Medical and Dental
Consultant in Histopathology with an interest in Head & NeckNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantLondon North West University Healthcare NHS Trust,HarrowSpeciality:H&N HistologySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Based on 10 PAs. Variations to 8PAs by mutual agreement
Clinical Fellow in Endoscopy / Luminal GastroenterologyLocal Appointed nodal point 4 (MT04)University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust,LeicesterSpeciality:GastroenterologySalary:Dependant on experience
Junior Clinical Fellow in Emergency DepartmentJunior Clinical FellowLewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust,LewishamSpeciality:emergency departmentSalary:£49,909 - £61,825 per annum
Consultant in Endocrinology & DiabetesConsultant in Endocrinology & DiabetesGreat Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,SwindonSpeciality:Endocrinology and DiabetesSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Clinical Fellow in Neonates 6 months – Tier 1NHS Medical & Dental: Clinical FellowBradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,BradfordSpeciality:PaediatricsSalary:£49,909 - £61,825 Per Annum
Chief Registrar in Medicine (ST4+ Equivalent)NHS Medical & Dental: Specialty RegistrarThe Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust,ShrewsburySpeciality:MedicineSalary:£61,825 - £70,425 per annum
Junior Clinical Fellow in Acute Oncology haematology Assessment UnitJunior Clinical Fellow in OncologySwansea Bay University Health Board,SwansreaSpeciality:OncologySalary:£43,821 - £57,650 Per annum, pro rata
Specialty Doctor – Canterbury RehabNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorKent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust,CanterburySpeciality:RehabilitationSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 pro rata per annum
LAS ST Higher in Respiratory MedicineLocum Appointment for Service Specialty Training Higher - LAS ST Higher in Respiratory MedicineSwansea Bay University Health Board,SwanseaSpeciality:Respiratory MedicineSalary:£1,813.28 p/w paid monthly inc banding for oncalls
Consultant in Stroke MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust,BrightonSpeciality:Stroke MedicineSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Clinical Fellow - Gynaecology, Oncology & Peritoneal MalignancySenior Clinical FellowHampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,BasingstokeSpeciality:Peritoneal MalignancySalary:£70,425 per annum
Clinical Fellow in Peritoneal MalignancySenior Clinical FellowHampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,BasingstokeSpeciality:Peritoneal MalignancySalary:£70,425 Rota to be confirmed
Specialty Doctor (CAMHS Family Eating Disorder Service) - Fixed TermNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorSussex Partnership NHS FoundationTrust,Crawley DownSpeciality:ChYPSSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum (pro rata for part time working)
Specialty Doctor - StrokeNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorEast Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,EastbourneSpeciality:StrokeSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum - based on full time
Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatry LD CYPSConsultantCumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust,SunderlandSpeciality:PsychiatrySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata for part time
Consultant Forensic PsychiatristNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantSussex Partnership NHS FoundationTrust,HellinglySpeciality:Mental HealthSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata
Consultant Psychiatrist for Adult Mental HealthNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNorthamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,NorthamptonSpeciality:General Adult Consultant InpatientSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Consultant Stroke MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: Consultant279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust,WorthingSpeciality:Stroke MedicineSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Neurology Trust DoctorTrust Doctor ST1-2Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust,BathSpeciality:NeurologySalary:£49,909 pa pro rata
Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical CareNHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical FellowOxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,OxfordSpeciality:cardiac and AnaesthesiaSalary:£55,329 - £63,152 Per annum
Locum Consultant in GastroenterologyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantThe Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust,WolverhamptonSpeciality:GastroenterologySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Locally Employed Doctor in Emergency Medicine (ST3-5 Level)NHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST3-5)Doncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,DoncasterSpeciality:Emergency MedicineSalary:£61,825 per annum pro rata
Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical CareYC72Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust,ManchesterSpeciality:Intensive CareSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in Haematology with an interest in HaemoglobinopathyNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantSt George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,South West LondonSpeciality:Clinical Haematology with interest in Non-Malignant Haematology and HaemoglobinopathiesSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant - Oncoplastic Breast SurgeonNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantEast Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust,BurnleySpeciality:Breast SurgerySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Trust Fellow in Paediatric Surgery-SHONHS Medical & Dental: Core Trainee (CT1/2/ST1-3)Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust,LondonSpeciality:SurgerySalary:£41,750 - £47,524 (Basic pay) pro rata per annum
Specialty Doctor/Portfolio Pathway in Emergency MedicineSpecialty Doctor / Portfolio PathwayUniversity Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust,DerbySpeciality:Emergency MedicineSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum
Band B Senior Dental OfficerNHS Medical & Dental: Salaried Dentist - BGeorge Eliot Hospital NHS Trust,CoventrySpeciality:Community DentistrySalary:£78,573 - £91,903 per annum
Consultant in Anaesthetics, interest in Pain ManagementNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,LutonSpeciality:AnaestheticsSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Paediatric Neurodisability - Community PaediatricsNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantCroydon Health Services NHS Trust,CroydonSpeciality:Community PaediatricsSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum + London Weighting
Trust Doctor (ST1-2) in Obstetrics and GynaecologyNHS Medical & Dental: Local Appointment nodal point 3 (MT03)Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust,BathSpeciality:Trust Doctor (ST1-2) in Obstetrics and GynaecologySalary:£49,909 Per Annum
Senior Fellow in Hand and Wrist SurgeryNHS Medical & Dental: Senior Clinical Fellow279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust,BrightonSpeciality:Trauma & OrthopaedicsSalary:£41,750 - £64,288 per annum
Emergency Department Undergraduate Medical Education Teaching FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Teaching RegistrarBirmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust,BirminghamSpeciality:Medical EducationSalary:£49,909 - £61,825 pro rota
Locum Consultant with interest in Early Rectal Cancer & EndoscopyNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantCroydon Health Services NHS Trust,CroydonSpeciality:Colorectal and General SurgerySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum + London Weighting
Locum Consultant in RheumatologyNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantSurrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,RedhillSpeciality:RheumatologySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum (pro-rata) (depending on experience)
Undergraduate Medical Education Teaching FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Junior Clinical FellowGuy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust,LondonSpeciality:UGMESalary:£49,909 per annum excl. LZ
Trust Doctor in Paediatric EndocrinologyNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST2/3)Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust,LondonSpeciality:EndocrinologySalary:£41,750 - £47,524 Pro rata per annum+trust supplement+£2,162 Inner London
Specialty Doctor in CAMHSNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorCornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust,BodminSpeciality:CAMHSSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 Per Annum Pro Rata
Child Health Clinical Teaching FellowNHS Medical and DentalNorthumbria Healthcare - NHCT Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,North ShieldsSpeciality:Medical EducationSalary:£41,750 - £64,288 per annum
Consultant Physician in Stroke MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantJames Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,Great YarmouthSpeciality:Care of the ElderlySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Consultant in Anaesthetics, with an interest in Paediatric AnaesthesiaNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,LutonSpeciality:AnaestheticsSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant - Care of the ElderlyConsultantThe Queen Elizabeth Hospital King's Lynn NHS Foundation Trust,Kings LynnSpeciality:Care of the ElderlySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum pro rata
Consultant Paediatrician with special interest in Paediatric DiabetesConsultantSurrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust,RedhillSpeciality:DiabetesSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum (pro-rata) (depending on experience)
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantGreat Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,SwindonSpeciality:RadiologySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per annum
Speciality Doctor in Psychiatry of ADHD ServiceNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorCheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS FoundationTrust,BirkenheadSpeciality:Speciality Doctor in Psychiatry of ADHD ServiceSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annuam
Consultant RadiologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNorthumbria Healthcare - NHCT Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust,North ShieldsSpeciality:RadiologySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata per annum
Trust Doctor - Paediatrics (Tier 2-Middle Grade) - 2 postsMT04 to MT05South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,MiddlesbroughSpeciality:Women & Children Services L3Salary:£61,825 - £70,425 per annum
Clinical Fellow (Core)/Anatomy Demonstrator in various specialtiesClinical Fellow (Core)Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,CambridgeSpeciality:SurgerySalary:£49,909 per annum pro rata
Clinical Steward for Digital Health & Transformation (CCIO)Executives / VSM: Leadership-Gp7NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board,NorwichSpeciality:Clinical/DigitalSalary:£300 per session
Locum Specialty Doctor in OrthodonticsSpecialty DoctorBuckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust,BuckinghamshireSpeciality:OrthodonticsSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 per annum, pro-rata & depending on NHS experience